Imitation Vanilla Extract vs. Pure: Which Is Better?
Vanilla has become a staple in the world of baking. Look in anyone’s pantry, and you’ll find a bottle of extract. But, dang, is it expensive. Many people have started buying imitation vanilla extract over pure extract as the price seems so much more appealing.
But is imitation worth it? In this article I will be explaining what imitation vanilla extract is, how it compares to pure extract, and which one is better. Keep reading to learn more.
What is Imitation Vanilla?
Imitation vanilla is a cheaper alternative to pure vanilla. The reason it is so cost effective is because It is synthetically made in a lab with the chemical compound called vanillin. Vanillin is made from guaiacol, which is most commonly synthesized from petroleum. Not something i personally would want in my body.
The vanillin compound makes up the entirety of imitation vanilla’s flavor, making it pale in comparison to pure vanilla’s flavor which consists of several hundred flavor compounds in addition to vanillin.
So What Do Beavers Have To Do With This?
Long story short, beavers have sweet-smelling butts. The beaver’s castor gland, which is unnervingly close to their anal gland, secretes a vanilla-scented goo called castoreum. Castoreum has been used as a food additive for much of the last century and is labeled safe by the FDA.
If you’re thinking about rummaging through all your food and throwing anything that may have castoreum on the label, you’re out of luck. Because it is an animal product, flavor companies like to hide it under the “natural flavoring” label.
But there’s no need to fret. You’re actually very unlikely to encounter castoreum in your food. The global production is extremely limited and it’s not a very sustainable practice.
Differences Between Imitation and Pure Vanilla
Now, that we’ve gone over what imitation vanilla is, I’m going to lay out the key differences between imitation and pure vanilla, including their distinction ins cost, flavor, and purpose.
I briefly went over this before, but to reiterate, imitation extract tends to be cheaper than pure vanilla. The reason being the difference in production. Imitation vanilla is made syntheically in a lab as mentioned earlier.
On the other hand, pure vanilla is made from a labor intensive process that takes several months to complete. This makes vanilla the second most expensive spice on the planet, after saffron.
Imitation vanilla, containing just one of the several hundred flavor compounds that pure vanilla is made up of, has a lesser flavor profile and leaves you wanting more. Pure vanilla adds depth to recipes that imitation extract could never. The excellence of pure vanilla makes the extra cost worth every penny.
Purpose and Use Cases
Imitation vanilla is for when cost takes priority over flavor. Its typically used in large scale production, or in recipes where vanilla is not a primary flavor. Pure vanilla should be used when trying to achieve the best flavor possible for a recipe.
Choosing between imitation and pure vanilla unltimatly comes down to your priorities. If you’re main concern is cost and flavor is not too important to you, then imitation extract just might be right for you. But if you want to bake with a rich, authentic flavor that adds depth to a recipe that imitation could never, then pure vanilla extract is for you.
At Nillava, we offer top-of-the-line pure vanilla extract. Ethically sourced from Madagascar and giving consumers the highest quality vanilla. Shop now at Nillava. Taste the difference that makes a difference.